it’s simple!

Who needs a reason for a party! Invite your friends and be prepared to laugh, learn and shop!
Virtual sex toy parties

Feel like you have watched everything on Netflix and read the entire internet?
Husband driving you up the wall?
Or just missing Friday night catch up with your girls?
If staying at home is getting boring, an April Nites Virtual Party is for you!

You can connect with your friends, play games, have a much-needed laugh, win some prizes and see our highly entertaining Live Demos of our most popular toys and lotions! All without getting out of your PJ’s.

You can also shop for some boredom busting products that will spice things up in the bedroom, with exclusive discounts for Virtual Party guests. All you need to do is decide on a date and time and we will take care of the rest! Technology not your thing? No problem! Your Consultant will walk you through the whole process.

Any reason to have a party is a good reason but if you need some inspiration check out our fun themes.


april nites today show appearance
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4BC1116 april nites radio feature
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